A little bit about Elle...
My first exposure with plant spirit medicine was 2003, when I went to the jungle of Peru to work with the deeply humble Shipibo shamans. That sparked a lifetime interest in plant spirit shamanism and soon I became particularly interested in working with the spirits of the plants here in my ancestral land of the United Kingdom and started befriending them as allies, teachers and guides.
As well as a deep plant based knowledge bank garnered through both experience and trainings in both shamanic and medical herbalism, I have experience working as an addiction counsellor using CBT based methods and as a meditation teacher. I am Master Sekhem and Reiki Energy healer, and work both crystal and sound healing into my offerings.
I am also a medicine singer/songwriter weaving the songs inspired by plants into my offerings - you can listen to some on the music page of this site.

My Q'ero lineage is one of the seven rays of the Rainbow that flowed out of the primordial light. We carry the ray of Munay - of Unconditional Love.
In 2016 I started a lifetime apprenticeship with the Q'ero Shamans in the Andes of Peru after deeply bonding with the mountain spirit guides there, knowns as Apus. My teachers there both human and non human, opened an entirely new world of shamanic modalities to add to my offering around which much of my work is now based.
I am also currently undertaking training as a medical herbalist which is giving my shamanic approach to working with plants a deeper grounding in the scientific realm.
I am Celtic in my bloodline, and like to weave the magic of this ancestry into my service. I passionately believe that there is so much magic on our doorstep here in the UK to be exploring, long forgotten wisdoms and sacred sites waiting to for the magic to be awoken in them once more!
Eleanor means light in English and Chaska means star in Quechua so you can think of me as a bit of star light here to guide you on the path!